


Nanshan Hiking: The source of anxiety is an inconsistent self.

Overtime, hiking, field trips, classes, travel, studying, writing, debating, planning. At the age of 30, life is still so hurried, busy to the point of not having time to relax, busy to the point of not being able to break the habit of finishing a cup of milk tea with two sips, busy to the point of burning out.

I don't understand why I am so anxious, from worrying about what to wear to work the next day to what to write for my thesis to how to raise the next generation in the future. I worry that if my hard work in life turns out to be in vain, it would be such a pity. Although in reality, I can only decide what to wear tomorrow, and even that is uncertain, because during this time, the weather changes unpredictably and the dress you prepared may not withstand a sudden summer rainstorm.

The source of anxiety is the inconsistency within myself. Even though I have the ability to love actively, it is difficult to let go of the obsession of being loved. Should I compromise? Should I be different from others? Is it possible that the whole world is right and only my persistence is wrong? If I can't grasp anything, then I will start walking, using my footsteps to capture the heartbeat of the earth, proving that I am truly alive. There is no need to be afraid or worried, life is so long, leaving you with a friendly margin of error.

Quanshan Trail#

Navigate to "Chayuan Village", and you will see a tunnel about 600 meters away from the navigation. Do not go through the tunnel, take the uphill road on the left, which is the recommended Quanshan Trail for today. It is not recommended to drive because there is no turning back once you start hiking, which gives a sense of unknown adventure, even though I am just a novice hiker climbing Nanshan.

When it's hot, there will be staff members registering for forest fire prevention, but for someone like me who still comes to hike in the drizzle, it is difficult for the staff to predict.

According to the previous strategy, we originally planned to follow this black pipe and walked for about a kilometer. We found that the road ahead became narrower and even overgrown with weeds, making it difficult to see the path. We reluctantly continued for a while, but the road ahead was completely covered by trees and thorns. After being bitten all over by black mosquitoes, we finally turned back to the starting point and took another path that seemed flatter. The trail from the beginning of the tea garden destined that it would not be as lively as climbing from the south bank, but every time I fell on my butt, it gave hiking a deeper meaning.

Longjing Trail#

After reaching the top of Quanshan Trail, you will start to see well-planned stone steps and signs, congratulations, you have embarked on the 4-5 kilometer Longjing Trail in Nanshan.

Don't be fooled by its length, it is actually quite gentle, and the entire trail is on the ridge of the mountain, allowing you to feel the cool breeze on the mountain. If you don't like leisurely hiking and prefer to walk fast, the scenery beside you will quickly fly by.

Along the way, we encountered uncles, aunties, and children picking mushrooms. The love of primitive life is in our blood, such as picking mushrooms or having a BBQ. I couldn't recognize the types of mushrooms, but looking at the plump little umbrellas, I could already imagine the unique aroma of mushrooms frying in oil, or the special flavor of the spores in soup.

At a pavilion, I met an old man who brought his violin to the mountain. I asked him if he felt tired playing the violin after climbing up here. He said the air here is good and the music sounds better. The performance of "Spring" in the mountains is more touching than "Swan Song" conducted by a teacher.

Passing by a girl who was telling urban legends to her friends, she said she found a corpse in a certain place, which had already turned into bones. My friend asked if I was scared, and I said, "Can a graduate of CICP be afraid of this?"

Baier Mountain Trail#

This trail is more commonly known as Liangfengya Trail, which is near Liangfengya Forest Park. Walking this trail alone forms a loop, starting from Gujing Mountain Villa, but I only walked a section of it.

This section of the trail is not long and has several historical buildings, such as Zhou Junshi Martyrs' Tomb, the former site of a cigarette factory, and an air-raid shelter dug by the British. If you are with children, you can park your car at the foot of the mountain and hike the 5km trail, which is not difficult and quite interesting.

Chuntianling Trail#

As the highest point in the main urban area of Chongqing, with an altitude of 681.5 meters, Chuntianling Trail is quite a legendary place. It was originally called Dingjiazhai, and it is said that during the Qing Dynasty, someone with the surname Ding purchased land here and named the slope Dingjia Slope. To prevent bandits from robbing, a fort was built on the mountaintop and named Dingjia Fort. During the Anti-Japanese War, Dingjia Fort was a military fortress with bunkers and trenches. In the 1950s, the stone walls of Dingjia Fort were demolished, but you can still see the remains of the 300-meter-long wall.

In the 1980s, during the survey of place names in Nanshan, Dingjiazhai was renamed Chuntianling, and a monument with the words "Chuntianling" was erected on the mountaintop. The Ding family's properties were not limited to just Chuntianling, but the entire Nanshan was their mountain. Later, the Ding family sold the mountain to someone surnamed Wang, so Dingjia Mountain became "Wang Mountain". After liberation, Wang Mountain was renamed "Nanshan".

From the highest peak on the Moon Lake at the foot of the mountain, although it is a small path, it only takes about ten minutes to climb.

Roadside Tea House#

During the hike, it was quite a challenge to find a place to quench my thirst. Finally, I accidentally stumbled upon a literary youth's small tea house on the road. I originally wanted to drink water, but the minimum consumption of 38 yuan per person caught me off guard. I could only reluctantly buy a can of cola for 6 yuan and sit on a chair to play with the cats and dogs, envying the owner who can make money and live an easy life.

The tea fee is 38 yuan per person, and if you have a meal, it is 48 yuan per person. It's best to cook your own home-cooked meals. The owner and the volunteer girl have two well-behaved Border Collies. Rolling over, they become quiet when you touch their heads. Pipi loves to extend her paw and shake hands with you. Zhima is a small black cat, and Dan Chao Fan is a small calico cat. Xiaoju is a yellow cat that is very clingy and almost fell asleep on my leg.

Yueshufang Bookstore#

After descending the mountain, I took a bus to Shangxin Street and happened to have some time, so I went to a bookstore near the Chongqing Institute of Socialism to browse. I found many interesting books. I have already "invested a lot" and bought two books. I will share them with you another day.

The weather is getting hotter, so cherish the opportunities for hiking. The next time I visit Chongqing, maybe I will go for stream tracing and drifting. If you want to know more interesting activities, please follow us.

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